Let's get serious about yourself and money!
Automatic Trading Made Simple


an easier way to trade

Our step-by-step system will help you take control of your finances and create the security and freedom you’ve been dreaming of...


Where Would You Like To Start?

"Aurum App" for Andorid and IOS

Learn from zero with a step-by-step process how to Copy-Trade (Automatic Trading) CFD's and Forex and find the best opportunities for your skillset. Everything you need in one App!


"Aurum Platform" Easy Web Based Solution

Signing up for Aurum App also creates your account on the web-based Aurum Platform. While essential for Aurum App functionality, the platform can operate independently, catering to users who prefer a PC-based trading experience.


"Aurum Academy"

Learn with our online courses and lecture and discover the ease of using the Creating Aurum Platforms, explore its features, and grow your knowledge and trading abilities, especially if you are new to this field.


What is Creating Aurum? 

It is an easy-to-use FREE App and browser platform that integrates a selection of tools necessary to give you the freedom to trade independently (for more expert users) or to follow our selection of high-performing automatic trading strategies. All of this is to give the Aurum users all the tools that they might need to potentially generate economic profits by learning how to trade or, simply, automate the trading process thanks to the support of AI and a team of expert traders.

Aurum: From Latin aurum (“gold”)

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How Does Creating Aurum Works?

Welcome to Creating Aurum—a user-friendly tool featuring the Aurum App and Aurum Platform.

Creating Aurum distinguishes itself to be a facilitator. We don't engage directly or indirectly in market activities; Instead, we connect you to our trusted broker partners, platform allies, and trading strategy experts to streamline your trading experience significantly. All in one app!

Subscribe, follow instructions in the app or portal, open a broker account with our world renowned partner with 15+ years of expertise, and start copy trading our selected strategies—no complexities, just results!


Trade Automatically

Initiate trading promptly, whether you're a novice or experienced, guided by our step-by-step videos and tutorials. Explore our curated selection of automated trading strategies on both the app and platform, allowing experts to handle the complexities while you relax and enjoy life.

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Access to the Aurum Academy

Access the Aurum Academy, where you can:

  • Grasp fundamental trading concepts to enhance your market understanding.
  • Engage in private courses for in-depth insights into markets and trading.
  • Seamlessly set up everything remotely through our "Standard" and "Priority Lane" services. 
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The Creating Aurum Mission

Here at Creating Aurum we know and understand how important nowadays it is to have economical stability, not only for ourselves but also for the people that we love. But we understand even better how difficult it might be to approach and keep up with new technologies in sectors like trading and digital finance that are not necessarily close to us.
Creating Aurum is born with this purpose in mind: to help you understand and create wealth to greater freedom for you and your family which supports your lifestyle, enlarges your vision and impacts your communities and the world.

Our objective is to "create gold"...

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Our AlliesThe tools to build your success

Aurum is a useful tool, but it doesn't directly or indirectly participate in the market. Instead, it connects you to our broker partners and trading platform allies to begin trading.

Trading Broker

FP Markets is an Australian CFD and forex broker founded in 2005. It is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and the Financial Services Authority of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Create Your Broker Account

MetaTrader 4
Trading Platform

MetaTrader 4 is a platform for trading Forex, analyzing financial markets and using Expert Advisors. Mobile trading, Trading Signals and the Market are the integral parts of MetaTrader 4 that enhance your Forex trading experience.

Discover More about MT4

Broker Liquidity providers

A core liquidity provider is a financial institution that acts as a middleman in the securities markets. The providers buy large volumes of securities from the companies that issue them and then distribute them in batches to financial institutions who then make them available directly to retail investors


Is Creating Aurum For Me?

The right question should be: "Am I ready to step into the opportunity to become financially independent?"

Creating Aurum is an amazing tool ideal for those who are approaching the trading world for the first time but also for whom is looking for an easy-to-use platform that integrates everything that you might need under one app or portal.

We developed Creating Aurum based on one concept in mind "simplify complicated procedures" and we have achieved this with a simple "step-by-step" approach that will guide you, using videos and courses, in all the essential stages of your trading journey, like:

  • "what does it mean to trade CFDs"
  • "how to open a broker account"
  • "how to fund your wallet" 
  • "how to trade and copy-trade amazing strategies from expert traders"
  • "how to manage your Trading Accounts"
  • "how to withdraw your capitals"

Simply everything you might need to operate immediately and independently! 

But even better: those resources will be always available for you in your app; in this way you will not need to remember all the procedures every time, just follow the steps!

But not only that: for those who are willing to grow their knowledge into the "money world" we have created the "Aurum Academy" that will give you exclusive access to online courses and classes to help you better understand money and become financially independent!

So, if your goal is to become financially independent and you are looking for an easy-to-use tool to help you start trading easily or if you want to grow your knowledge in the "business world", Creating Aurum is perfect for you!

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Easy funding & withdrawals:

Our Strategies: Let's talk about Aurum's numbers...

Creating Aurum
 users can have FREE (but not for long) access to the Aurum Platform and Aurum App and exclusive access to our selection of automated trading strategies, online courses and guides.

All the strategies are divided by type and access to the basic strategies it's also FREE of charge.

  • No subscription fee
  • No license to use fee
  • No time limit fee
  • No copy-trading monthly fee
  • No surprise fee...

Simply subscribe and follow the instructions in the app or portal, open your own broker account with our broker partner and start to copy trade (automatic trading) our selection of strategies; nothing else!

But not only, using our affiliate broker you are in total control of your finances, giving you the absolute freedom to directly operate and prove you skills in the markets without any necessity of copy-trading.

Our Broker partner is a world-known market-leading and well-established global CFD and Forex, provider: FP Markets. As a specialist Forex & CFD broker based in Australia with over 15 years of experience, FP Markets caters for traders at all levels - from beginner to professional traders

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Our Top 3 Strategies: 2023 Performance Snapshot

Marti Hedge

+ 176% Total Gain
+ 11.47% Best Month
+ 4.05% Month Average

data from myfxbook.com as of 15/01/24

Marti V2

+ 61.2% Total Gain
+ 5.94% Best Month
+ 3.91% Month Average

 data from myfxbook.com as of 15/01/24

Marti Hedge Light

+ 42.67% Total Gain
+ 4.24% Best Month
+ 2.43% Month Average

data from myfxbook.com as of 15/01/24

Our Broker Partner Awards


AI combined with human skills:
A Winning Trading Strategies 


We offer you trading strategies based on Artificial Intelligence blended with human skills to obtain amazing and reliable performance to give you the maximum potential return.

All the strategies we have selected from our trading partners are been heavily tested before becoming public with amazing results and then when live, proven earnings with a past net monthly average that varies between 2% and 11.5% of their capital and a total gain in 2023 of more than 176%*.

You don't believe us? Check by yourself: all the active strategies results are public to guarantee you maximum transparency and trust!

For this reason, already hundreds of users have chosen us. The minimum capital to start copy trading our selection of strategies is 2000 USD.

*on "Marti Hedge" strategy in 2022 year, data from MyFxBook.com

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The Aurum Academy

Take control of your financial future with these comprehensive courses, lectures and services.

Priority Lane
Remote Set-Up

Busy lifestyle? No problem, we'll take care of everything! In this one-to-one session

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One-to-One Live Installation and Usage

Do you need help? Learn with this live session all the basics to start trading.

Start now!

One-to-One Live Support

Do you have a problem that has arisen inherent to the Aurum Platform? This short one-on-one session is for you.

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What is "Copy-Trading"?

The name says it all! You can directly duplicate another trader's positions when you use copy trading.

Watch the Video
Check Out The Entire List Here

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Financial freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. We will do our best to get you to the finish line.

Our victory is your victory!

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